Global viewr : Founded in 2004, 3 Years before the iPhone debuted.
Global viewr is the Vision of its Founder, Karl Lingenfelder.
Karl knew that when the Web began to become ubiquitous the Internet was
a natural for Presenting Real Estate and Videos
but more importantly for doing so on a Global Scale and at the same time reducing the costs
for the average Seller and leveling the playing field for the Developing World to be able to
present properties For Sale or Rent in the Same Manner and with the Same Quality Exposure
as multi-million dollar properties in the Developed World.
At the same time, Karl also knew that this would be a much more Earth Friendly
way of displaying and exploring properties; minimizing the need for in person visits.
Many properties can now be sold or rented without the buyer or renter making a
personal visit prior to owning or occupying the property.
The Virtual Reality of Global Real Estate
This is the Quest of Global viewr to this day.
“The Global Position on Real Estate”
It’s About the Earth Friendly Journey.
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